The Resilient Retail Game Plan Episode 39

Sharing your journey with Manmeet Sokhi

Podcast show notes

Sharing your journey with Manmeet Sokhi

There’s been a massive sea change in recent years when it comes to consumers and the relationships that they have, and maintain, with the people, companies and even industries that they buy from. We’ve seen this in the advent of conscious consumerism and through the more recent drive to support small businesses in the wake of COVID-19.

Part of this shift in consumer mindset can be attributed to the access and visibility created by social media – never before have we, as customers, had such unbridled access to and power over our favourite brands.

Showing people behind the scenes, sharing the processes that get your products to market and letting your customers voices be heard has never been more important when attempting to develop long-lasting, personal relationships with the buying public. But cultivating an earnest brand that speaks to its audience in an organic way is no mean feat. That’s where today’s Resilient Retail guest, Manmeet Sokhi, comes in.

Since starting White Rain Designs around 6 years ago, Manmeet has steadily grown her personalised ceramics business. From originally working at a ‘Paint-Your-Own’ studio, through working weekends to getting her own kiln, the last year and a half has seen her small product business really take off!

In today’s episode, we discuss her foray into the world of Instagram, the value of organic engagement and how taking the opportunity to co-create with your community of customers can open up possibilities you might never have considered; as well as the importance of taking the time to create impactful content and setting social media boundaries.

Check out Manmeet’s beautiful ceramics here and you can follow and connect with Manmeet on Facebook and Instagram.

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