The Resilient Retail Game Plan Episode 84

Resilient Retail: The Novel – A Sneak Preview!

Podcast show notes

Resilient Retail: The Novel – A Sneak Preview!

Writing a book has been on my to-do list for quite a while now, and nothing lights a fire under your feet and gets a project moving more than telling people you’re working on something – so here I am, sharing an excerpt from the unedited first draft of my yet to be released book!

My goal has been to make a practical book that covers three main objectives:

  • To allow readers to self-diagnose their businesses and to help highlight the challenges that are unique to product businesses

  • To help readers understand and measure the key numbers within their businesses and identify what areas need attention

  • And to help readers to use all this information to plan for the future accordingly

I find it’s often the case that people start their own businesses to escape the corporate world and embrace their inner creativity – the last thing you want is for your own personal endeavors and passion projects to leave you stressed and out-of-pocket – my hope is that my book will be able to give readers the tools to make a success of their product businesses and for them to feel good whilst doing it!

Please do jump on to the Resilient Retail social media channels and let me know what you think! As I say, this is the first un-edited draft, so it’d be great to hear all your thoughts!

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