The Resilient Retail Game Plan Episode 143

Four Key Traits That Product Business Owners Need To Have In Order To Flourish

Podcast show notes

Four Key Traits That Product Business Owners Need To Have In Order To Flourish

The impact of mindset on your product business truly cannot be underestimated, it affects everything we do as small business owners, from the way that we interact with our customers and staff to how we show up on social media and market our products.

Too often when we lose confidence in ourselves, and potentially in our product business, we tend to take less action and get stuck in what I call the ‘cycle of doom’: sales drop – we lose confidence – we take less action – sales drop – we lose confidence, and on and on it goes.

So, in today’s episode, I want to share with you the new acronym I’ve developed (CROP) to help you maintain a mindset that keeps you feeling good and keeps your business running optimally. We’ll look at curiosity, where we’ll discuss exploring new ideas, learning from feedback and ultimately not catastrophising when things don’t go to plan. We’ll look at resilience, overcoming challenges, coping with uncertainty and the importance of staying nimble. We’ll also tap into objectivity, making data-driven decisions and keeping an eye on the big picture, and we’ll wrap up by discussing what arguably fuels your ability to be your best self, positivity.

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If you liked this podcast episode listen to episode 131 ‘5 Essential Traits That Product Business Owners Need To Have To Thrive In 2023‘ and take a look at an article I wrote for Forbes last December ‘Four Trends That Will Shape Retail In 2023‘.

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